Monday, January 30, 2006

dancing jaguar

No, no, it's not Tigger!! is the representation of a worship dance with the costume of a jaguar at one of the temples from the archaeological site of Copán in Honduras. The jaguar has a lot of meanings, but mainly he was the god of night. One of the creators gods and with a brave character. This sculpture is interesting because it seems like a tigger dancing disco! right? ;D

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Cow's museum!!!

this is an interesting place to visit if you go some day to Copán, Honduras, the cow's museum is located at a place named Hacienda El Jaral, were you can find really interesting and fun things to do!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Those cRaZY trips!!!! :D

the HAPPY VIEW of life!!! a pretty neat friend's blog!!!

hola hola a todos!!!
This is the link to the blog of a really good friend of mine , who really has really wonderful photos from different countries always looking the things that really worths to share, the happy view of life, POSITIVE ENERGY!!! take a look at it!!!

Prehispanic figures, femenine figures bolinas from preclassic period (2500 b.C. - 250 a.C.)tamasha and lepa dolls and from classic period (250 a.C- 900 a.C) from lenca culture.

Art at the stReetTsss!!

aRtE en la cAllE!!!!! look around carefully, you could find interesting things out there!! ;)

Friday, January 27, 2006


Nature, cascades, having fun, and kids smiling!! :D This kid was native of the town of Las Pilas, at the north part of El Salvador, a place in mountains... this kid offered himself as a guide to show us the route to get to this cascade... so cute!!

kidS meAl!!!

Un fLAchaZooooo!!!!!!!! :D

Sunrise and sunsets..... moments in life are just like sunsets and sunrises, they last so little time... so you need to catch them and enjoy them as much as you can!!

Here in El Salvador we are in summer time, so it's always really nice get into water when the midday's time is coming!! At least this dog took the advice!! ;D

an unexpected visitant :)

Sometimes you can have an unexpected little visitant at the garden of your home... and it can become a really good friend, and just stay there and make you some company ;D